Thursday, September 3, 2020

Rating valuation of principle and practice -

Question: Examine about the Rating valuation of rule and practice. Answer: Referencing the foundation of Woodside Petroleum Ltd, where one key chance and two dangers are unveiled from contender examination: Woodside Petroleum Ltd essentially falls under Oil and Gas industry, while its for the most part items are Petroleum and LNG. The organization has been working in Australia, while its tasks are directed everywhere throughout the world ( 2018). The significant open door for Woodside Petroleum is the consistent interest for Petroleum and LNG, as they are request by both business houses and nearby clients. Then again, two front most danger for the association is the proceeded with decrease of oil cost in world market, which is hampering the general income produced by the association. the second danger that is hampering gainfulness of the organization is the developing interest for sun based and warm force among clients. This addition in the interest for substitute vitality item is appropriately declining the income of the association, which thus is influencing its seriousness in the market. Portraying one case of transient obligation and long haul obligation, while demonstrating the financing instrument utilized by Woodside Petroleum Ltd: Long haul obligation financing model is for the most part distinguished to be bond issue, which permits the association to get the degree of cash-flow to help their financing needs. Likewise, the momentary obligation financing model are bank advances or overdraft directed by the organization to help its exercises. What's more, the assessment of yearly report, C2 and C3 significant obligation collected by the organization during 2016 are sufficiently portrayed ( 2018). Besides, securities and obligation offices are aggregated by the organization, which helped in raising the degree of assets to help their operational movement. Portraying whether the bond cost is lower or higher than the standard worth: Points of interest Worth Presumptive worth 1,000.00 Coupon Rate p.a. 3.65% Half Year Coupon Rate 1.83% Coupon Payment 18.25 Yield Rate 3.10% Half Yearly Yield Rate 1.55% Absolute Period 7 No. of Coupon Payments 14 Market Price of Bonds 1.83% * 1000 * (((1 - ((1 + 1.55%)- 14))/1.55%)) + (((1000/((1 + 1.55%)14)))) Market Price of Bonds 1,034.37 The above table chiefly shows the general market cost of Woodside Petroleum, which is at 1,034.37, while the real standard estimation of the security is 1,000. In this way, it could be comprehended that the current market cost is higher than the standard estimation of the security. Remarking on the underlying FICO score of the bond and expressing the effect of bond esteem when intrigue inclusion proportion is high: The underlying FICO score for the bond gave by Standard Poors and Fitch rating is BBB+, as delineated in the encased article (Purvis 2015). The addition in intrigue inclusion proportion from 5 to 25 principally portrays a positive sign for the organization. this addition could in the long run help in improving the FICO assessment of the association, as they would have the option to help their installments directed in bonds. This augmentation could in the long run improve FICO assessment of Woodside Petroleum, which could expand interest for their bonds. Reference Bond, P.H. furthermore, Brown, P.K., 2017.Rating valuation: standards and practice. Routledge. Jordan, B., 2014.Fundamentals of ventures. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Purvis, B. (2015).Woodside Petroleum raises $1 billion with greatest bond deal. [online] The Sydney Morning Herald. Accessible at: raises-1-billion-with-greatest bond-deal 20150227-13qo4d.html [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. (2018).Woodside Energy | Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018].

Saturday, August 22, 2020

“Of Mice and Men” and “Into the Wild Essay”

of Mice and Men' and Sean Peen's ‘Into the Wild' investigate the principal topics of opportunity, friendship and following your aspirations. (QUESTION). ‘Of Mice and Men' is set during the Great Depression in which George and Leonie investigate the authenticity of opportunity and hardships by planning to one day have their own ranch. Interestingly, Chris from ‘Into the Wild' accomplishes extreme opportunity by deciding to flee and live In nature. The two writings investigate various impression of opportunity. Steinbeck epic exhibits how everybody's impression of opportunity is suppressed.George and Lien's concept of opportunity is to have their own property and yield themselves from the hazard of the world. Nonetheless, they are precluded this opportunity in light of the fact that from securing their absence of cash. The method of numerous recognitions Is embraced by the omniscient storyteller to get to different view purposes of the characters that speak to various sorts of opportunity concealment. This is portrayed in the nostalgic statements by Curlers spouse who says â€Å"l tell yea I could of went with appears'. Ã'› She was short of breath with indignation† or Crooks who states â€Å"Cause I'm dark. They play a card game In there, however I can't play since I'm Black. Like George and Leonie, Chris wants opportunity in any case, he does this by moving endlessly from a sumptuous way of life to one of battle which he calls â€Å"ultimate freedom†. This change is in opposition to that of George and Leonie who are hoping to liberate themselves from the chains of neediness. Through the lovely expression â€Å"The opportunity and straightforward magnificence Is too acceptable to even think about passing up† Chris communicates his freshly discovered opportunity in the laws of nature. Subsequently the two writings investigate an elevated feeling of concealment for the heroes with regards to the possibility of freedom.The n eed of friendship is essential in the two writings. Friendship can have both positive and negative consequences. In Steinbeck epic Leonie Is appeared to show youngster like conduct which makes him totally reliant on George. Because of his inability, Leonie invests the entirety of his energy with George and the pair frequently end up running from power. In spite of the troublesome circumstances that Leonie Imposes on George, George depicts his appreciation towards Lien's friendship through a nostalgic tone when he states â€Å"†¦ With us it against like that†¦We got someone to talk to†¦ † This features through a period of extraordinary trouble where individuals evaded each other as communicated through the statement, Maybe everyone in the entire damn world is frightened of each other† George esteems Lien's friendship. Conversely. Peen's film investigates Chris' dislike for human friendship so as to accomplish his definitive opportunity. He communicates thi s through his aversive tone, â€Å"You needn't bother with human connections to be happy†¦ † Chris exhibits that friendship isn't important to have joy and that it tends to be found In nature.HIS perspective of friendship Is a consequence of his parent's physical debates. Anyway he later understands that he was most joyful when in the organization of different voyagers. He communicates this through the strategy of remorseful tone as he says â€Å"Happiness just genuine when shared†. Consequently the two writings connote the Importance of friendship. The two writings advance the Idea of following your desire to at last lead you to satisfaction. George and Leonie endeavor to have their own homestead yet their fantasies remain unfulfilled.In the end George needs to slaughter Leonie 1 OFF Burns', â€Å"To a Mouse†, which contains the couplet, â€Å"The best laid plans of mice and men/Often go amiss'. Thus, it is a novel that Juxtaposes the nature â€Å"of mic e† †and the social world †â€Å"men† and gives a knowledge into the blurring idea of desire. The appearance of crippled characters, for example, Crooks having an abnormal spine, or Leonie being intellectually moderate, figuratively plots the subject of men going ‘awry by attempting to accomplish a disappointed dream.Peen's film negates Steinbeck epic and shows that Chris to be sure discovered bliss by following his aspirations. His aspirations included attempting to comprehend the human condition which can be seen through his ardent verse when Chris states † Two years he strolls the earth†¦ The climactic fight to murder the bogus being within†¦ No longer to be harmed by civilization†¦. Chris needed to comprehend the crude intensity of human encounters which he says is â€Å"†¦ The center of man's spirit†¦ And his commitment to satisfy this aspiration drove him to discover what he was searching for and eventually discover b liss. Along these taking everything into account, the heroes in â€Å"Of Mice and Men† and â€Å"Into the Wild† remarkably express the major thoughts of opportunity, friendship and following your desire. Their longing for opportunity is shared yet their view of acquiring it is unique. Steinbeck shows that the aspirations of men will stay unfulfilled while Peen's film portrays that a definitive opportunity is to share bliss. (Question)

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cockroaches and Health Essays - Bacteriology, Bacterial Diseases

Universally useful: To illuminate about another revelation. Explicit Purpose Statement: To advise the crowd about the medical advantages of cockroaches. Authoritative Pattern: Topical Postulation: Molecules in the cerebrums of cockroaches and grasshoppers are being tried and prevailing in the treatment of bacterial contaminations. Presentation I.Attention Getter: A normal of 18,000 individuals around the globe kick the bucket from methicillin-safe Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) every year (Webb, 2008). Around 73,000 individuals are contaminated with E. Coli every year (Center for Disease Control, 2006). That is almost equivalent to significantly increase Purdue?s whole understudy grounds biting the dust of turning out to be tainted every year. Another investigation shows particles from cockroaches and beetle cerebrums can execute 90% of these and different superbugs (France-Presse, 2010). II.Relevance Statement: Every year or at regular intervals, the specialist gives everybody shots to keep contaminations from microscopic organisms. The greater part of you don't have the foggiest idea what is in the various kinds of anti-infection agents used to treat or forestall diseases. Before long, a portion of your prescriptions may incorporate pieces of minds from cockroaches and grasshopper. III.Credibility Statement: Since fall is currently upon us, influenza and other occasional ailment accompany it. I led some exploration on approaches to forestall getting microorganisms that are impervious to anti-toxins, otherwise called ?superbugs?. IV.Thesis Statement: Molecules in the minds of cockroaches and grasshoppers are being tried and prevailing in the treatment of bacterial diseases. Directional Transition: I will start by portraying the investigation done in this new field of medication. Body I. As per a September 2010 article distributed in New Scientist, separates from the minds of grasshopper and cockroaches can murder microorganisms which are anti-microbial safe, known as ?superbugs.? A.Various atoms from inside the insect?s cerebrums were utilized to battle microscopic organisms. i.Nine particular compound concentrates from grasshopper minds murdered Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) (Coghlan, 2010). ii.Seven other particular compound concentrates slaughtered Methicillin-safe Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (Coghlan, 2010). B.It is suspected the proteins in cockroach and grasshopper minds are the thinking for the opposition against the pathogens (Society for General Microbiology, 2010). i.Other parts of cockroaches and insect were tried, for example, fat, muscle, and liquids inside the body, however mind atoms were all that murdered the bacterial contaminations (Society for General Microbiology, 2010). ii.Shark skin and different creatures have likewise been tried; in any case, none were as fruitful (Society for General Microbiology, 2010). Directional Transition: Now that I have depicted the exploration, I will clarify why these bugs explicitly are being utilized. II.Scientists have thinking for picking the cockroach and insect as opportunities for medicines against microscopic organisms and different pathogens. A.Locust and cockroaches live in a domain which would be exceptionally unfortunate to people (France-Presse, 2010). i.Due to their irregular day to day environments, cockroaches and beetles normally produce own germ executioners (Allen, 2010). B.Locust and cockroaches minds are their most indispensable organ and it must be secured consistently provided that the sensory system bombs the cockroach or beetle will kick the bucket. i.Destruction of their cerebrums is their solitary demise, since different appendages can develop back (Rutherford, 2010). ii.Their requirement for insurance persuaded they have something in their cerebrums which can fend off microorganisms (Rutherford, 2010). Directional Transition: Now that I have clarified why these creepy crawlies are being utilized, I will examine the advantages of cockroach and insect cerebrum particles to regular anti-infection agents. III.The cockroach and beetle cerebrums being utilized for prescription have numerous points of interest to the first anti-infection agents. A.A weakened measure of atoms were utilized in test preliminaries. i.90% murder rate which beats how tantamount anti-infection agents since current anti-infection agents debilitate microscopic organisms and power body to ward it off (France-Presse, 2010) ii.A very lose portion was utilized to accomplish such a high murder rate, a preferred position over dull and high dosages that are at times utilized now (Rutherford, 2010). B.In the test done, little mischief or reactions were taken note. i.There were no harmful impacts were seen on human synapses. ii.All symptoms are obscure because of the examination being in its beginning periods. Directional Transition: I have now examined the advantages, thinking for use, and research behind the utilization of cockroach and insect cerebrums being utilized as an anti-toxin. End I.Restatement of Thesis: Molecules in the cerebrums of cockroaches and beetles are being tried and prevailing in the treatment of bacterial diseases. II.Clincher: In a couple of years the anti-infection agents you get at your primary care physician visit probably won't be only a long name of atoms

Monday, June 8, 2020

How to Keep your Writing Relevant to the Topic

How to Keep your Writing Relevant to the Topic There are several tips on staying relevant in academic writing. Formulate a plan Prior to writing, create a plan on what should be written. This will be a backbone of your text. Formulate several statements that support your idea and several statements that refute or criticise your idea. After that, unfold each statement in detail. If you have a clear plan what will be written, you can control the volume of the text and see what the conclusion will be. Always refer back to the explored question so that you do not deviate from it. Ask yourself whether each paragraph or part of the text contributes to the topic you are writing on or you are already writing on another topic or including unnecessary details. Also, check whether a paragraph you want to add is necessary for your argumentation or it can be omitted without the loss of consistency. Make sure the paper flows Don’t forget to stitch the paragraphs or parts of your text together with the transition words and phrases to make the text flow better. These transition words include â€Å"however†, â€Å"in addition to this†, â€Å"it can be argued†, â€Å"furthermore†, â€Å"on the other hand†, etc. These transition words will show the relationships between the parts of your text and make it easier to link the ideas that originally were disjointed. Write a strong conclusion which will summarise the results of the text. You do not have to add anything new in this section but you must refer back to your original aim or objective and provide a summary of how this aim was attained and what results were uncovered. When writing extended arguments, they may be lost in the text and it may be unclear what you want to say. That’s why an effective conclusion is a final glue that will link all parts of your paper and make it more focused.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Overview of Marlinspike Seamanship

Over the past four hundred years, the lines and rigging aboard a vessel were the literal and figurative engines of commerce. Today the lines and wires we use require new techniques and now the term marlinspike seamanship encompasses many more materials. On most vessels lines still, play an important part in everyday operations. Every sailor must be able to tie some simple knots like a Bowline or Hitch and many old salts will tell you that you should be able to tie several knots with one hand in the dark. Thats not a joke; think about it. There is a lot of large gauges twisted line out there and thats the material for many knots and splices. We also need to work with a smaller braided line and cord in housekeeping situations. There can be plenty of downtime on a ship so knotwork can also become a profitable pastime if the work is fine enough for sale. The ability to rework a common base material into useful forms is valuable if it is for commerce or to replace a lost item in short order. Items like fenders can be made that are much more useful and attractive than inflatable fenders. A rope fender will never deflate, pop, or crack like an inflatable. So marlinspike seamanship itself can take many forms. Although many discount quality knotwork as a decorative skill or not useful in the modern industry there are plenty of vessels out there with plenty of durable and cheap knotwork. There are a few basic functions that all seafarers should know. Care of Ropes and Lines This is super basic but not everyone knows how quickly lack of care will destroy rope. The rope should be kept clean and dry at all times and if used in dirty or wet conditions, which is all the time on a ship, it needs to be cleaned before storage. In the time of natural fibers, the enemy was gritty dirt and sand that worked its way deep into the twist where it cut small fibers one by one. Today that is also an issue but add oil and grease to the problem when talking about synthetic ropes. Splices and Ends Making lines shorter and longer is an essential rope working skill. Splices let you join two ends semi-permanently by weaving the fibers back and forth until they intertwine and bind tight. Management of cut ends is also important to minimize loss from unraveling. This can be accomplished with a dip which is like heavy paint or by whipping the rope ends. Whipping consists of winding the waxed thread around a rope end to hold it together. Synthetic ropes can be cut cleanly and sealed at the same time with a heated electric cutting knife. Knots are important too and knowing many knots is valuable knowledge when you arrive on a new vessel. Sailors have exchanged knots since the beginning and an unseen knot is very valuable when only one sailor knows its construction. Learning Knots and Splices There are many ways to learn to knot these days. There are books that will teach you a hundred common knots and you can even get knot-tying lessons on your smartphone. The best book by far on the subject is Ashleys Book of Knots. Mr. Ashely was a young boy on the Northeast coast of the U.S. as whaling was fading and petroleum started to flow. The book was written in the 1940s but it tells a little story and some history with each of its 4000 knots, splices, and other amazing items. The diagrams take some concentration to follow but the somewhat narrative story gives first-hand knowledge of a huge range of historic ship operations and knotwork in the past several hundred years. Many of the knots and other items in the book are still surprisingly useful and every ship library should have at least one copy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men - 1360 Words

Human nature suggests a way of feeling, thinking and acting in everyday life. In the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, a duo of farmers, George and Lennie, search for work wherever they can. Their dream of having a farm of their own is coming into reach, while George has to wield Lennie away from the temptation of Curley’s wife and the reality of what Lennie can do. John Steinbeck uses characterization to illustrate the nature of human existence. Steinbeck portrays George as a man who tries to help, and helps others so that the wrenching reality of human existence will not tear his life away in a dark path of loneliness. George and Lennie go talk to the boss to get jobs, and the boss asks, â€Å"‘What’s your name?’† (Steinbeck 21) and†¦show more content†¦Many people believe that George represents man fallen from Eden, and a man who does not want to follow in a life of loneliness, so he seeks companionship in Lennie and acts as a fath er figure to him to keep both of their lives save from the wretched horrors of living life alone. In the beginning of the book Lennie finds a mouse and George hounds Lennie about it until finally â€Å"Slowly, like a terrier who doesn’t want to bring a ball to its master, Lennie approached, drew back, approached again. George snapped his fingers sharply, at the sound Lennie laid row mouse in his hand† (Steinbeck 9). Lennie finds himself with a mouse and George knowing Lennie made him give it up. George being a parent figure in Lennie’s life leads Lennie doing whatever George tells him to do even if he does not like it. Sometimes George may yell at Lennie and scare him, but he is acting as a parent would to protect him from the harsh world. It was already dead when George grabbed it. George is a parent figure, and a friend in this story, he helps others to escape the dreaded life of loneliness and sadness. Lennie is characterized in Of Mice and Men as a child fi gure, a man who has been doomed by human nature to live a life with the help of others, a life that if he was to be alone, he would not survive. Lennie looks up to George because he does not know how to behave, he is like a child. Lennie tries to live life like George and this passage that

Business Portfolio for Laburnum Group -Free-Samples for Students

Question: Investigate two different aspects of their business portfolio for Laburnum Group. Answer: Introduction The study aims to investigate two different aspects of their business portfolio for Laburnum Group. The discourse of the report has analysed both quantitative and qualitative perspectives of the challenges and inefficiencies as per the given case. Laburnum Group has been identified to constantly monitors the performance across its diverse portfolio of businesses which is essential to their corporate strategy decisions. The main discussion has focused on the addressing the specific questions framed by the top management of across both the energy and clothing business portfolios of Laburnum Group. The first section of the report has evaluated the effectiveness of the current ordering system and applied the Economic Ordering Quantity (EOQ). The second section has applied the knowledge of global business environment for AusCotton in terms of the market and supply sources. The study has also discussed the various types of the challenges associated to the major global issues that will be r elevant to the area of strategic sourcing. The report has shown the various aspects of the assertions for responding to the illegal merchandise which ends up competing with merchandise branded by AusCotton (Pimenta and Ball 2015). Sapphire Energy Case Study Effectiveness of the present ordering system As per the given ordering system Sapphire Energy has been identified with a total ordering system of 4500 meters of cable. The prescribed standard for the annual stocking has been seen to be based on total stocking cost of $ 9318.75. The EOQ implementation model has been conducive in ordering only 3388.43 meters of cable. Therefore, it needs to be discerned that the strategy of implementing EOQ is not feasible decision as the EOQ has been depicted with an ordering quantity less than 4500 meters. EOQ for AWG aluminum triplex cable Unit Meters Dollars Annual Demand (D) 155000 Present Order Quantity (Q) 12917 Annual cost for carrying one unit (C') $ 1.350 Annual cost per order (S') $ 50.00 Total Annual Stocking Cost (TSC 1) (Q/2) x C'+(D/Q) x S' Total Annual Stocking Cost (TSC 1) $ 9,318.75 Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) SQRT(2xDxS')/C Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) 3388.43 Total Annual Stocking Cost in case of implementing EOQ Total Annual Stocking Cost (TSC 2) (EOQ/2) x C'+ (D/EOQ) x S' Total Annual Stocking Cost (TSC 2) $ 4,574.39 Estimated annual savings in stocking costs Savings TSC 1 - TSC 2 Estimated savings in stocking costs $ 4,744.36 Recommendations on improving the current system The present ordering system has been seen with a saving of $ 4574.39 and with the implementation of the strategy of saving in the stocks, the company is seen to be saving $ 4,744.36. However, this also suggests that there is a scope of ordering more number of units. Therefore, the main recommendation for Sapphire energy is to increase the order quantity to 4500 meters of cable. AusCotton Case Study Major global issues relevant to the strategic sourcing As discussed by Aydin, Cattani and Druehl (2014), the issue of fast changing market has been identified as one of the main issues associated to consumer behaviour. This has been recognised with the changes in technology and globalization. Social media is depicted with creating new pressures for the consumers to conform while putting pressure on enterprises to utilize these sources of information to respond to changing preferences to stay interesting and relevant. The primary challenges on a global scale is depicted with the shorter life cycle due to rapidly changing demand in the market (Abidi, de Leeuw and Klumpp 2014). The different types of the enterprises associated to cotton production are facing several problems to keep itself up to date with the latest trends and innovations. Several firms are seen to be facing the challenge of maintaining an appropriate data management and integration. Data management and integration is identified as the key to solve the problems of data mana gement integration by connecting the manufacturers supply chain management systems with those of their suppliers and partners. The issues pertaining to the integration of the supply chain management is seen to be affecting the operations at a very ground level (Fahimnia, Sarkis and Davarzani 2015). As stated by Martnez-Jurado and Moyano-Fuentes (2014), the technological aspect is further able to present a new challenge which is associated to non- awareness of the demand for new products from beforehand. This is seen to cause several types of the problems which are associated to inappropriate demand forecast. In various situations the problems associated to inaccurate demand forecasting is seen with the unavailability of the data. In numerous cases raw information coming from suppliers, partners, and even customers comprise of unstructured data which makes it even more challenging for the enterprises to analyse and generate insights from the disjointed pieces of information (Govindan et al. 2014). In addition to the problems, the company may face several limitations in managing each commodity and category of the material depending on the spending characteristics and supply. There may be main dilemma in choosing the outsourcing strategy. This is related to the critical question of whether to make the product or buy from a third-party source. It is also important to know about the factors for achieving an optimal portfolio of the suppliers which is able to satisfy the requirement of the suppliers as per individual category of commodity (Wiengarten et al. 2016). Impacts of less-than-perfect demand forecasts for AusCotton products The opportunities and the precise request conjectures are seen to be fundamental to the assembling to the chain. This is considering the incorrect request which may bring about the supply contrasts in terms of meeting the demands of the client. As stated by Wang et al. (2015), it is important to ensure that there exists a timely and accurate forecast to the supply chain as any inaccuracies in the demand plan may lead to differences in the supply chain which may affect meeting the customer request. Henceforth, it needs to be understood that the forecast accuracy is always seen as a critical factor for proper allocation of resources. The different steps taken to mitigate the problems are seen with creating an alliance between the suppliers and customers to improve the accuracy of the forecast. The faster response to the demand changes should aim at minimizing the impact of the cost for forecast error. To mitigate the areas of problem the company may also decide to create partnership among the clients and suppliers for enhancing the exactness of the gauge. The quicker reactions to request changes will be able to minimize the impact and cost of the gauge mistakes (Bode and Wagner 2015). Elements of the strategic sourcing process do you feel are the top candidates for improvement at AusCotton The elements for the strategic sourcing process applicable to the top candidates for improvement at AusCotton is seen with supply market analysis, developing a strategy, benchmarking and tracing results. The use of supply market analysis is conducive in re-analysis of the different perspective of the new and global suppliers and study the different types of the cost constituents of the service or the product. The company will be able to review the marketplace of the suppliers for the opportunities and risks. The development of the strategy as per the top management will be able to discuss on the issues pertaining to minimize the risks and costs. In addition to this, the top management will be able to conduct a meeting and discuss on main strategies for the suppliers competitiveness (Genovese et al. 2015). The initiatives such as benchmarking and tracking of results will be conducive in sourcing of the process which needs to be re-monitored. This will be able to provide the business s pecialists with the present status of the commodity or category. AusCotton should look forward to improve the overall supply chain assessment. It is important to identify the possible suppliers which they may use and develop the sourcing strategy. This will be help to cover the different areas of supplier research and provide them with the opportunity to assess the different capabilities to remain on contract or to be considered for the contract. The focus should be given on monitoring the key strategic elements provided with the business specialist to present the status of commodity or category (Ho et al. 2015). Responding to the assertion that some of the contract manufacturers are involved in producing illegal merchandise The response to the assertion of the contract manufacturers involved in producing illegal merchandise needs to go through several stages. The first stage needs to analyse the contract and agreement which needs to be taken into consideration with the new contract negotiation. The intellectual property protection could also serve as the penalty to immediately meet with the manufacturers and set the different types of the expectations which are to be conducted through investigation. AusCotton needs to finds the true facets from the investigation. In case it is able to track the legal proceedings then it needs to be track for any anomalies (Chopra and Meindl 2015). To deal with the problems associated to illegal merchandise, the contract manufacturers need to hire a new president of the supply chain. This consideration needs to be evaluated with the strategic sourcing process focusing on improving the errors. In addition to this, the new owner of the company may be asked to take some time and visit the global facilities. This will be able to bring the awareness of the situation and different types of the problems faced by the company to follow the legal proceedings (Apte and Petrovsky 2016). This will be set as a good example for thee suppliers and the vendors. The manufacturers need to assert the documentation procedures needs to be confirmed with the actual order which are ordered by the company. This should be done in manual procedure rather than relying on automation (Pagell and Shevchenko 2014). Conclusion The different types of the depiction as per the case study of Sapphire Energy has showed that the strategy of implementing EOQ is not feasible decision as the EOQ has been depicted with an ordering quantity less than 4500 meters. The recommendation on improving the current system is seen with implementation of the strategy of saving in the stocks, the company is seen to be saving $ 4,744.36. However, this also suggests that there is a scope of ordering more number of units. Therefore, the main recommendation for Sapphire energy is to increase the order quantity to 4500 meters of cable. The challeng4es in global supply chain for AusCotton is understood with the primary challenges on a global scale seen with the shorter life cycle due to rapidly changing demand in the market. Some of the other consideration for the AusCotton case study have shown the main factors for the strategic sourcing process applicable to the top candidates for improvement at AusCotton is recognised with supply m arket analysis, developing a strategy, benchmarking and tracing results. The opportunities and the precise request conjectures are seen to be fundamental to the assembling to the chain. This is considering the incorrect request which may bring about the supply contrasts in terms of meeting the demands of the client. References Abidi, H., de Leeuw, S. and Klumpp, M. (2014) Humanitarian supply chain performance management: a systematic literature review, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 19(5/6), pp. 592608. doi: 10.1108/SCM-09-2013-0349. Apte, S. and Petrovsky, N. (2016) Will blockchain technology revolutionize excipient supply chain management?, Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals, 7(3), pp. 7678. Available at: Aydin, G., Cattani, K. and Druehl, C. 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